Brandenburg Kapital - News about Industrial Analytics IA GmbH

Portfolio company Industrial Analytics IA delivers digital building block to prevent interruptions in heating and waterworks

Potsdam - May 2022. The Berlin and Schwedt/Oder-based start-up Industrial Analytics IA, part of Brandenburg Kapital's portfolio since 2019, has been able to tap into additional customer groups with its innovative solution, thus contributing to greater energy or supply security.

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About Industrial Analytics IA

Industrial Analytics is an AI-IoT company that provides online condition monitoring for machinery and equipment in the process industry. The company's founders previously worked for several years at MAN Diesel & Turbo, a turbomachinery manufacturer. Prof. Friedrich from the Hasso Plattner Institute (HPI) is also a co-founder. There is close cooperation with HPI in Potsdam in the field of machine learning. The vertical solution developed by Industrial Analytics, especially for large turbomachinery, covers both data acquisition and preprocessing as well as integration into an existing IT infrastructure and evaluation of the data. The key innovation of this solution is the integration of acoustic and vibration signals as well as the use of physical models of the machines and equipment in combination with machine learning. With the "TurboMonitor", operators can reduce their operating costs through more efficient operation of their systems as well as through optimized maintenance and servicing.

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